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Using Microsoft Agent for Presentations with Auto-Narration...

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Ok, so what exactly is Microsoft Agent? It's easiest to explain it this way. You know how in Microsoft Office, you have the little characters pop up in Help? Like the professor? Or the paper clip? Yeah, that's using Microsoft Agent.

But here's the cool thing - you can program those little guys to narrate PowerPoint presentations and/or to cause interactions during live presentations!

Let me put it in an example here. Say you are doing a really important sales presentation to a big hoo-ha and her team somewhere. You know a little bit about the lady you are presenting to and her team (because you, my friend, were smart enough to do your homework, right?)

So imagine this....

Your presentation screen pops ups.

The Einstein looking professor ambles onto the slide and says "Hello, <put the name of big shot lady hoo-ha here> How are your kids <put the name of big shot lady hoo-ha's little tykes here> today? The weather here in <name of town you are presenting in> is extremely pleasant dontcha think?"

And he is speaking all this and walking around the screen making gestures and such. Now how cool is that for a presentation?

You have immediately grabbed their attention. Made the whole thing personal and perhaps you will make the sale - not for the technology (of course - which by the way is FREE from Microsoft) but because you cared enough to do you research, incorporate interactivity and feedback and you did it innovatively, creatively, and you did it right.

My advice is this: I started using Agent years ago. It was awesome then and is awesome now. Check out the links above and READ EVERYTHING. Go and try it. You just might be amazed. Certainly your big shot sale prospect will be!

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